
AUSTIN — CommUnityCare Health Centers has chosen Yvonne Camarena to serve as its inaugural Chief Nursing Officer (CNO). The creation of the role is in recognition of the non-profit organization’s sizable growth as the largest community health system in Central Texas. Last year CommUnityCare served more than 125,000 patients with more than 400,000 plus dental and medical visits provided.

Camarena has served as CommUnityCare’s Chief Operating Officer (COO) since 2018 and as its director of nursing prior to taking that role.  As COO, Camarena shepherded multiple clinic expansions and openings and is currently supporting the development of four new clinics that are expected to open in 2023.

The new CNO role will allow CommUnityCare to better focus on its care management and enabling services, as well as strengthen its pipeline of nurses and medical assistants.  As CNO,  Camarena will also support the further development of CommUnityCare’s expanded patient-centered care model.

“Camarena is a solutions-focused nurse administrator with a comprehensive background in clinical, administrative, and quality fields,” said Chief Executive Officer Jaeson Fournier. “She is a tireless and dedicated leader and as CNO she will be directly involved with CommUnityCare’s evolution toward greater systems. Most importantly, she is a staunch patient advocate that strives to ensure our patients receive the care they need and deserve regardless of their income level or insurance status.”

Camarena’s commitment to serving Central Texas is long, including health care roles with the City of Austin, Austin Regional Clinic, Central Health and CommUnityCare spanning nearly three decades. She was also chief operating officer of Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center in Northern California from 2013 to 2016.

Camarena graduated from The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (formally Pan American University) with an associate degree in nursing. She continued her education with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from The University of Texas at Austin, followed by a master’s degree in health care administration from Purdue University Global University.

She began her health care career as a nurse’s aide in an acute care hospital. Having begun with bedside care, she understands the importance of patient care at all service levels. She is passionate for the need to create a caring environment for patients and developing positive employee engagement.

“I’m looking forward to this opportunity to engage even more deeply in developing our care teams to best serve our patients’ needs,” Camarena said. “The key to expanding patient access is having well-trained teams, who can provide culturally sensitive and high-quality care that meets the needs of some of our most vulnerable populations.”

It’s National Health Center week, where the 1,400 health centers across the nation, including CommUnityCare, show their gratitude to patients, staff, and community leaders.

As Central Texas’ largest nonprofit health center with 27 locations, CommUnityCare provides quality, inclusive healthcare to underserved populations in Central Texas. That includes pediatrics, women’s health, behavioral health, dental and primary care.

What we believe

We believe all Texans deserve high-quality, nonjudgmental care–regardless of how much money they make. We knock down traditional barriers to receiving quality care, like race, ethnicity, cost, language, and health literacy. Our approach to health extends beyond the doctor’s office to things like daily nutrition and housing.

Over the coming year, CommUnityCare is scheduled to open a health center inside Pathways at Chalmers Courts East, a project-based rental assistance property for low-income residents in East Austin. Four other expansion projects are in the pipeline for 2023.

So many to thank

  • Our 125,000 patients for trusting us with their care and that of their families.
  • Our strong community partners, including Austin’s new Black Men’s Health Clinic, Dell Medical School, and Hill Country AIDS Ride, who value bringing quality healthcare to those who need it
  • Elected officials in both political parties who support the vital community health system that has an enormous impact, given the population and barriers to care in Texas.
  • The CommUnityCare team of 1,100 professionals who day in and day out work to serve diverse communities in Central Texas.

Back to School!

In celebration of National Health Center Week, CommUnityCare is eager to help get Austin kids ready to go back to school. This past weekend, we co-hosted an event with Central Health providing school immunizations and backpacks filled with school supplies. And we’re doing it all over again in a second drive-thru event this Saturday! Both events together, we anticipate, will touch 1,000 families as they head back to school. Join us.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued an expanded recall of Abbott Nutrition’s baby formula warning families not to use certain powdered infant formulas over bacterial contamination concerns.

The recalled products include Similac, Alimentum, and EleCare powdered formulas. The recalled products can be found on the company’s website using the 7 to 9 digit code and expiration date.

As of February 28, the FDA states that there have been four total reports of Cronobacter infections and one complaint of a Salmonella infection. All five of the reported illnesses, which include cases in Texas, have led to hospitalization and may have contributed to the death of two of the infants.

According to healthychildren.org Cronobacter is a bacteria that can cause a life-threatening infection called sepsis and meningitis which is an inflammation around the brain and spine. Salmonella can cause stomach and intestinal illness.

If you are a parent and your baby’s formula is recalled healthychildren.org advises you take it in store for an exchange or refund. It is also advised that you contact your pediatrician if you are worried about switching formulas. CommUnityCare pediatricians are ready to assist and answer any questions for parents who are concerned over which formula is safe.

Parents using WIC benefits should call WIC offices for more assistance if they are unable to exchange or return.

For more answers to commonly asked questions such as what to do if you can’t find a formula in stock due to the pandemic, other ways bacteria can spread while feeding your baby, or special considerations for premature babies visit healthychildren.org.

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  • Sed vitae mattis eros. Nullam facilisis risus quis diam consequat egestas.
  • Phasellus porttitor magna at nisi feugiat accumsan.
  • Ut viverra turpis eget sapien aliquam venenatis.
  • In viverra blandit diam, quis semper risus faucibus nec.
  • Duis facilisis tellus faucibus libero laoreet laoreet.
  • Integer eros sem, laoreet in aliquet a, rutrum ut lacus.
  • Praesent rhoncus tellus nec arcu porta, vitae tempor massa vulputate.