CommUnityCare’s Role in Building a Stronger Safety Net for Travis County

Established in 2003, CommUnityCare Health Centers last year served 1 in 11 Travis County residents. For many low-income adults it is their ONLY way to access affordable health care. Until recently, CommUnityCare has been described by Central Health as an enterprise partner, trusted ally or other such language expressing a partnership.

While Central Health is the grantee and together with CommUnityCare they both form the health center, the relationship is complex and unique. Unlike other FQHCs in Travis County, CommUnityCare is a 501(c)3 non-profit that shares the health center status with Central Health in a symbiotic relationship. Together, they share resources and responsibilities in operating the system. There are few of these in the country, and this system has worked well. Watch this video to learn how CommUnityCare Health Centers is a longstanding health equity success story for Travis County.

In recent weeks, statements have been made in the media and in public regarding CommUnityCare’s work. Below is a response from Interim CEO to those statements.

Statement from CommUnityCare Interim CEO on Central Health Video

“I did not approve the contents of the video released by Central Health CEO, Dr. Patrick Lee. In fact, I objected to its release when I was made aware of its contents. The video erroneously suggests that I, as interim CEO, support Dr. Lee’s stance on what has unfortunately become a public dispute over the establishment and implementation of the public health center model and its requirements.

The video also insinuates that CommUnityCare has not followed legal agreements, that CommUnityCare is part of Central Health without recognizing the non-profit status of the CommUnityCare Board of Directors (which serves as the governing board of the health center) or the co-applicant relationship arrangement between Central Health and the CommUnityCare Board. It also alleges that CommUnityCare and its leaders have not been transparent.

We have consistently reinforced to both Central Health and the community since September 4, 2024, that while we remain flexible and open to discussing an evolution to our relationship, we do not appreciate actions that undermine the CommUnityCare board.

At CommUnityCare, the responsibility and standing of our entity and our board has been celebrated and lauded by federal regulators for years. We have led our organization with the highest level of competence and compliance. To say otherwise is a disservice to the hard work our organization has put forth in this community. 

The last few weeks have been disorienting as Central Health has not only put the CEO on leave without the participation of the CommUnityCare board, but continues to sow confusion with videos, public statements and events suggesting agreement where agreement does not exist.”

Nicholas Yagoda, MD

Interim Chief Executive Officer