Contact Us

We welcome your inquiries and input about our services to the community. We continually work to improve the quality and range of services we offer. Our goal is to provide patient-focused care in a warm and welcoming environment.

Below is a list of helpful phone numbers and emails:


If you have a medical emergency, please dial 911 or head to an emergency room or Urgent Care clinic. We are not equipped to handle medical emergencies at ANY of our locations.


To make, cancel, or change an appointment, or if you have questions about how to obtain information on MAP eligibility, please call 512-978-9015. For MyChart, click HERE.

Administration Offices:

To reach our administrative offices call 512-978-9000.


To reach our central billing department call 512-978-9009.

Medical Records:

For concerns, questions, or assistance call 512-978-8288.

Customer Service, Feedback, or Concerns:

Call our Patient Experience line at 512-978-9918 or you can also send us an email at:
Please be sure to include your first and last name, and a good number where we can reach you.

Media Inquiries, Interview Requests:

For media inquiries, please email us at

Patient Navigation Center:

Patient requests including appointments, medication refills, cancellations, medical concerns, etc. cannot be handled via email or through social media. Please call our Patient Navigation Center at 512-978-9015 or call your provider directly.